Uptake and distribution of micronutrients by kiwifruit vines (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson var. deliciosa) cv. Hayward were studied in sand culture. The period of rapid accumulation of different micronutrients differed substantially. Zinc was accumulated mainly over a 12-week period after bud break, manganese over a 17 -week period, boron and iron over a 24-week period and copper over a 27 -week period. There was no indication of translocation of micronutrients from leaves to fruit before harvest, reflecting the lower mobility of these elements in the plant and a lower demand by the developing fruit. It was furthermore confirmed that zinc is probably not highly mobile in kiwifruit vines, although the opposite has been suggested in the past. The largest amounts of manganese, iron and boron were accumulated in leaves, whereas the largest amounts of zinc and copper were found in roots. With the exception of boron, fruit was a relatively unimportant sink for micronutrients. Substantial amounts of manganese, zinc and iron were lost from the leaves after harvest, before leaf drop. There were Some indications of increased content of these nutrients in the permanent parts of the vine and at least some of these nutrients might have been transported out of the leaves before senescence. However, no indication was found in the present study of translocation of micronutrients from the permanent part of the vine to new growth during the early part of the growing season. In general, the kiwifruit vine has a low requirement for micronutrients.Opname en verspreiding van spoorelemente deur kiwivrugplante (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A.R. Ferguson var. deliciosa) cv. Hayward is in sandkultuur bestudeer. Die periode van vinnige akkumulasie van verskillende spoorelemente het aansienlik verskil. Sink is hoofsaaklik oor 'n periode van 12 weke na bot geakkumuleer, mangaan oor 'n periode van 17 weke, boor en yster oor 'n periode van 24 weke en koper oor 'n periode van 27 weke. Daar was geen aanduiding van translokasie van spoorelemente voor oes van blare na vrugte nie. Die laer beweeglikheid van hierdie elemente in die plant en die klein behoefte van die vrug word hierdeur weerspieel. Daar is verder bevestig dat sink waarskynlik nie baie beweeglik in kiwivrugplante is nie, alhoewel die teendeel in die verlede voorgestel is. Die grootste hoeveelhede mangaan, yster en boor is in blare geakkumuleer, terwyl die grootste hoeveelhede sink en koper in die wortels aangetref is. Met die uitsondering van boor was vrugte 'n relatief onbelangrike sink vir spoorelemente. Aansienlike hoeveelhede mangaan, sink en yster het uit blare verlore gegaan na oes, voor blaarval. Daar was aanduidings van verhoging in die hoeveelhede van hierdie elemente in die permanente deel van die plant en ten minste 'n gedeelte van hierdie voedingselemente kon voor blaarveroudering uit blare getranslokeer gewees het. In die huidige studie kon daar egter geen aanduidings van translokasie van spoorelemente vroeg in die groeise...