Muhammad Muzammul and Dr. M. AwaisAn empirical approach for software reengineering process with relation to quality assurance mechanism ADCAIJSoftware development advances focus on productivity of existing software systems and quality is basic demand of every engineering product. In this paper we will discuss complete reengineering process with aspects of forward, reverse and quality assurance mechanism. As we know the software development life cycle (SDLC) follows a complete mechanism of engineering process. In forward engineering we tried to follow selective main phases of software engineering (data,requirements,design,development,implementation). Inreverse engineering we move backward from the last phase of developing product as it gather requirements from implemented product (implementation, coding, design,requirements,data).During reengineering we add up more quality features on customer demands, but the actual demand is to fulfill quality needs that can be assured by external as well as internal quality attributes such as reliability, efficiency, flexibility, reusability and robustness in any software system. We discussed a methodological approach to move from reengineering to the journey of quality assurance. More than 50 studies come into discussion and throughput results proposed by graph and tabular form. We can say if the reengineering process produce quality attributes, then it can be said by old software system refactoring as code refactoring, data refactoring and architectural refactoring we obtained a quality products at lower cost instead of new software system development, which causes decrease in quality attributes as cost, time etc. In future work testing methodology can be proposed for quality assurance.Muhammad Muzammul and Dr. M. Awais An empirical approach for software reengineering process with relation to quality assurance mechanism ADCAIJAn empirical approach for software reengineering process with relation to quality assurance mechanism ADCAIJ