A small and medium enterprises (SMEs) manufacturing platform aims to perform as a significant revenue to SMEs and vendors by providing scheduling and monitoring capabilities. The optimal job shop scheduling is generated by utilizing the scheduling system of the platform, and a minimum production time, i.e., makespan decides whether the scheduling is optimal or not. This scheduling result allows manufacturers to achieve high productivity, energy savings, and customer satisfaction. Manufacturing in Industry 4.0 requires dynamic, uncertain, complex production environments, and customer-centered services. This paper proposes a novel method for solving the difficulties of the SMEs manufacturing by applying and implementing the job shop scheduling system on a SMEs manufacturing platform. The primary purpose of the SMEs manufacturing platform is to improve the B2B relationship between manufacturing companies and vendors. The platform also serves qualified and satisfactory production opportunities for buyers and producers by meeting two key factors: early delivery date and fulfillment of processing as many orders as possible. The genetic algorithm (GA)-based scheduling method results indicated that the proposed platform enables SME manufacturers to obtain optimized schedules by solving the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) by comparing with the real-world data from a textile weaving factory in South Korea. The proposed platform will provide producers with an optimal production schedule, introduce new producers to buyers, and eventually foster relationships and mutual economic interests.