In this work the formation of intermetallics in the Ni-Ti system by reactive sintering at 800-900°C was studied. The mechanism and kinetics of the reactions, which led to Ni-Ti phases, were determined by thermal analysis, in-situ XRD and the application of an experimental model consisting of nickel-plated titanium. It was found that the formation of Ni-Ti phases below the transformation temperature of titanium is controlled by diffusion. Above this temperature, the reactions switch to the rapid Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) mode. Keywords: reactive sintering, powder metallurgy, NiTi V delu je bil raziskan nastanek intermetalnih zlitin v sistemu NiTi pri reaktivnem sintranju na 800-900°C. S termi~no analizo, XRD-in situ analizo in uporabo eksperimentalnega modela, nikljanega s titanom, sta bila dolo~ena mehanizem in kinetika reakcij, ki sta vodila k NiTi fazam. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je tvorba NiTI faze pod transformacijsko temperaturo titana, nadzorovana z difuzijo. Nad to temperaturo se reakcije spremenijo na hitro rasto~i temperaturno -sintezni na~in (SHS). Klju~ne besede: reaktivno sintranje, metalurgija prahov, NiTi