Abstract. Oceanic particulate organic carbon (POC) is a small but
dynamic component of the global carbon cycle. Biogeochemical models
historically focused on reproducing the sinking flux of POC driven by large
fast-sinking particles (LPOC). However, suspended and slow-sinking particles
(SPOC, here < 100 µm) dominate the total POC (TPOC) stock,
support a large fraction of microbial respiration, and can make sizable
contributions to vertical fluxes. Recent developments in the parameterization of POC reactivity in PISCES (Pelagic Interactions Scheme for Carbon and
Ecosystem Studies model; PISCESv2_RC) have improved its ability to capture POC
dynamics. Here we evaluated this model by matching a global 3D simulation
and 1D simulations at 50 different locations with observations made from
biogeochemical (BGC-) Argo floats and satellites. Our evaluation covers
globally representative biomes between 0 and 1000 m depth and relies on (1) a refined scheme for converting particulate backscattering at 700 nm
(bbp700) to POC, based on biome-dependent POC / bbp700 ratios in the
surface layer that decrease to an asymptotic value at depth; (2) a novel
approach for matching annual time series of BGC-Argo vertical profiles to
PISCES 1D simulations forced by pre-computed vertical mixing fields; and (3) a critical evaluation of the correspondence between in situ measurements of
POC fractions, PISCES model tracers, and SPOC and LPOC estimated from high
vertical resolution bbp700 profiles through a separation of the baseline
and spike signals. We show that PISCES captures the major features of SPOC and LPOC across a
range of spatiotemporal scales, from highly resolved profile time series to
biome-aggregated climatological profiles. Model–observation agreement is
usually better in the epipelagic (0–200 m) than in the mesopelagic
(200–1000 m), with SPOC showing overall higher spatiotemporal correlation
and smaller deviation (typically within a factor of 1.5). Still, annual mean
LPOC stocks estimated from PISCES and BGC-Argo are highly correlated across
biomes, especially in the epipelagic (r=0.78; n=50). Estimates of
the SPOC / TPOC fraction converge around a median of 85 % (range 66 %–92 %)
globally. Distinct patterns of model–observations misfits are found in
subpolar and subtropical gyres, pointing to the need to better resolve the
interplay between sinking, remineralization, and SPOC–LPOC interconversion
in PISCES. Our analysis also indicates that a widely used satellite
algorithm overestimates POC severalfold at high latitudes during the
winter. The approaches proposed here can help constrain the stocks, and
ultimately budgets, of oceanic POC.