In this study, an innovative scientific modeling course on concentration cells is designed: First, the demonstrations revealed examples of three different concentration cells. Then, scientific models visualizing the process and principle of cell reactions at the level of microparticulates were introduced to students. Finally, three new concentration cell examples were abstracted from real life, and students were asked to build corresponding new models and explain the phenomenon. During implementation, high school students and undergraduates with only a little background knowledge on concentration cells participated in this course. The effectiveness of the course was evaluated by questionnaire and quiz. The results showed that, by establishing a triple link among macroscopic phenomena, submicroscopic processes, and symbolic representations, most students can directly understand the principles of concentration cell reactions with the help of scientific models. More than 60% of the students successfully constructed the model in the test, and the correct rate (including basically and completely correct) of all of the questions was above 80%. These results prove that this course was helpful for students to master the knowledge of concentration cells and improve the ability of model understanding and construction.