Monogenic epilepsies with wide-ranging clinical severity have been associated with mutations in voltage-gated sodium channel genes. In the Scn2a Q54 mouse model of epilepsy, a focal epilepsy phenotype is caused by transgenic expression of an engineered Na V 1.2 mutation displaying enhanced persistent sodium current. Seizure frequency and other phenotypic features in Scn2a Q54 mice depend on genetic background. We investigated the neurophysiological and molecular correlates of strain-dependent epilepsy severity in this model. Scn2a Q54 mice on the C57BL/6J background (B6.Q54) exhibit a mild disorder, whereas animals intercrossed with SJL/J mice (F1.Q54) have a severe phenotype. Whole-cell recording revealed that hippocampal pyramidal neurons from B6.Q54 and F1.Q54 animals exhibit spontaneous action potentials, but F1.Q54 neurons exhibited higher firing frequency and greater evoked activity compared with B6.Q54 neurons. These findings correlated with larger persistent sodium current and depolarized inactivation in neurons from F1.Q54 animals. Because calcium/calmodulin protein kinase II (CaMKII) is known to modify persistent current and channel inactivation in the heart, we investigated CaMKII as a plausible modulator of neuronal sodium channels. CaMKII activity in hippocampal protein lysates exhibited a strain-dependence in Scn2a Q54 mice with higher activity in F1.Q54 animals. Heterologously expressed Na V 1.2 channels exposed to activated CaMKII had enhanced persistent current and depolarized channel inactivation resembling the properties of F1.Q54 neuronal sodium channels. By contrast, inhibition of CaMKII attenuated persistent current, evoked a hyperpolarized channel inactivation, and suppressed neuronal excitability. We conclude that CaMKII-mediated modulation of neuronal sodium current impacts neuronal excitability in Scn2a Q54 mice and may represent a therapeutic target for the treatment of epilepsy.epilepsy | voltage-gated sodium channel | CaMKII V oltage-gated sodium channels are essential for the generation and propagation of action potentials in excitable cells (1). These proteins exist as heteromultimeric complexes formed by a large pore-forming α-subunit and one or more auxiliary β-subunits (2). Function of voltage-gated sodium channels is influenced by multiple intracellular factors including protein-protein interactions, channel phosphorylation, and intracellular calcium. The auxiliary β-subunits and a family of FGF homologous factors (FHF) have been shown to modulate trafficking and functional properties of voltage-gated sodium channels (3-5). Both PKA and PKC have been shown to modulate neuronal voltage-gated sodium current function (6, 7). Finally, intracellular calcium, calmodulin, and calcium/calmodulin protein kinase II (CaMKII) have been shown to have drastic effects on the cardiac sodium channel (8-10). Thus, differences in posttranslational modification of sodium channels may profoundly influence the physiology of excitable cells.Mutations in genes encoding neuronal voltage-gated sodium ch...