• Key Words : 체중부하운동, 지적장애, 요추골밀도, 대퇴골경부 골밀도, 신체구성 Abstract The purpose of this study was to determined the converge effects of weight-bearing exercise on lumbar, femur neck BMD and body compositions in intellectual disabilities and normal men. Nineteen men were participated for this study, they are divided into two groups(intellectual disabilities, n=9, and normal men, n=10). All subjects are accomplished on weight-bearing exercise (music rope-jumping) program for 60 minutes a day, 3 days a week throughout 12 weeks. Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to determine differences between and within the intellectual and normal groups for dependent variables. The statistically significant level was set at 0.05. In this study, there were a significant differences on the bone mineral density of lumbar and femur neck level after exercise training in both groups (respectively p<.01, p<.001). Also, I found that there were effectively decreased on body weight, percent of body fat, and BMI levels after exercise training for 12 weeks in both groups (respectively p<.001). Therefore, music rope-jump exercise program may suggested to be one of the ideal training methods for enhancing and the convergence positive effect of bone mineral density and body compositions in intellectual and normal person.•