The infinite series solution of the elementary neutron slowing down equation is studied using the theory of entire functions of exponential type and nonharmonic Fourier series. It is shown from Muntz–Szasz and Paley–Wiener theorems, that the set of exponentials {exp(iλnu) }∞n=−∞, where {λn}∞n=−∞ are the roots of the transcendental equation in slowing down theory, is complete and forms a basis in a lethargy interval ε. This distinctive role of the maximum lethargy change per collision is due to the Fredholm character of the slowing down operator which need not be quasinilpotent. The discontinuities in the derivatives of the collision density are examined by treating the slowing down equation in its differential-difference form. The solution (Hilbert) space is the union of a countable number of subspaces L2(−ε/2, ε/2) over each of which the exponential functions are complete.