Receiver function (RF) analysis is a powerful technique to gain information about the discontinuities in the crust and upper mantle beneath a single three-component seismic station. RFs are essentially time series that are sensitive to the structure near the receiver. The basic principle behind this method is that when a seismic wave is incident upon a discontinuity, mode conversion between the compressional (P) and shear (S) waves will take place in addition to the generation of reflected and transmitted waves. The resulting converted wave (Ps or Sp) will have a time offset with respect to its parent wave, and this time offset is directly proportional to the depth of the discontinuity and the velocity of the layers above. In addition to the direct converted waves, the multiples resulting from reflections and conversions between the discontinuity and the free surface can provide further constraints on the layer thickness and help to resolve the depth-velocity trade-off. The RF can be obtained by deconvolving the vertical component from the radial component of a teleseismic event recorded on a three-component seismometer (Ammon, 1991;Langston, 1979;Owens et al., 1987). Since only a small percentage of the incident energy is converted at a discontinuity, it is difficult to observe these conversions in a single seismogram. A number of RFs can instead be used to measure the crustal thickness and average v v P S / ratios by H-k (crustal thickness-average v v P S / ) stacking for individual stations (Helffrich & Thompson , 2010;Zhu & Kanamori, 2000) or for imaging by common conversion point (CCP) stacking of data from many stations (Dueker & Sheehan, 1997). This, however, requires assumptions on the velocity structure.One method to obtain a detailed velocity structure is to directly invert the calculated RFs using linearized iterative procedures, but Ammon et al. (1990) showed that such inversions of RF contain an inherent tradeoff between the depth to a discontinuity and the velocity above. The primary sensitivity of the RF inversion is to velocity contrasts and relative travel time, not to absolute velocity. This lack of sensitivity to absolute velocity results from the relative S-P travel time constraints along with the limited range of horizontal slowness contained in the data (Ammon et al., 1990). Thus RF data sets are generally inverted jointly with