This article introduces a scheme designed to ensure the integrity and privacy of e‐healthcare data. The proposed scheme combines a dual signature approach with EdDSA (Edwards‐curve Digital Signature Algorithm). It is important to note that while dual signatures may appear similar to double signatures, they differ significantly. Dual signatures involve coupling two distinct values of diverse natures to securely anonymise them to various entities. Recent research has demonstrated that elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is better suited for resource‐constrained or lightweight devices than RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman). EdDSA, an enhancement of ECDSA, offers efficient and affordable signature generation. However, EdDSA signature verification is a computationally intensive task that may not be feasible for e‐healthcare devices. Nevertheless, edge computing devices lack operational constraints and can easily handle this verification process. These characteristics make our proposal an elegant, robust, and efficient strategy for securing e‐healthcare systems and addressing the challenges of integrity and privacy. Results show that the proposed algorithm performs better in terms of key generation, signing time, verification time, encryption/decryption time and overall time as compared to the state‐of‐the‐art.