Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) main goal is the development of health monitoring systems for patients with chronic diseases and elderly people through the use of body, home, and environmental sensors that increase their degree of independence and mobility. A comprehensive software infrastructure for AAL systems should be able to cover scenarios involving several patient mobility levels, locations, and physical and cognitive abilities. Cloud computing can provide to AAL systems the ability to extend the limited processing power of mobile devices, but its main role is to integrate all stakeholders through the storage and processing of health data and the orchestration of healthcare business logic. On the other hand, the Internet of Things (IoT) provides the ability to connect sensors and actuators, integrating and making them available through the Internet. This paper presents the Mobile-Hub/Scalable Data Distribution Layer, a middleware for AAL based on cloud computing and IoT. We discuss how this middleware can handle the requirements of the main health monitoring scenarios and present results that demonstrate the ability to opportunistically discover and connect with sensors in a timely manner and the scalability necessary for handling the connection and data processing of many connected patients.
KEYWORDSambient assisted living, cloud computing, health monitoring systems, internet of things (IoT) 1 range of other applications for AAL systems, such as rescue and emer-gency response systems, fall detection, video surveillance systems, etc.Nowadays, AAL systems are regarded as a trend in a context of increasing awareness of how the Internet can be used to personal healthcare. Ambient Assisted Living systems are composed of several technologies: sensors and actuators, portable/wearable devices, heterogeneous wireless networks, medical applications executing on mobile devices (handhelds), personal computers, or in a cloud computing infrastructure. Among the variety of low-level sensors that can be applied in AAL systems, there are the wearable medical sensors, able to collect data from physiological signals (e.g., Electrocardiogram [ECG], Electromyogram, heart rate, and oxygen consumption) or data reflecting the body movement (e.g., accelerometer). Personal mobile devices, such as smartphones, are also usually equipped with motion and location sensors (e.g., accelerometer and GPS). Environmental sensors can also be used, as they collect information that helps determine if environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, light, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels) favor or not the patient's health. In addition to gathering data Concurrency Computat: Pract Exper. 2017;29:e4043.