We introduce a highly structured family of hard satisfiable 3-SAT formulas corresponding to an ordered spin-glass model from statistical physics. This model has provably "glassy" behavior; that is, it has many local optima with large energy barriers between them, so that local search algorithms get stuck and have difficulty finding the true ground state, i.e., the unique satisfying assignment. We test the hardness of our formulas with two Davis-Putnam solvers, Satz and zChaff, the recently introduced Survey Propagation (SP), and two local search algorithms, WalkSAT and Record-to-Record Travel (RRT). We compare our formulas to random 3-XOR-SAT formulas and to two other generators of hard satisfiable instances, the minimum disagreement parity formulas of Crawford et al., and Hirsch's hgen2. For the complete solvers the running time of our formulas grows exponentially in √ n, and exceeds that of random 3-XOR-SAT formulas for small problem sizes. SP is unable to solve our formulas with as few as 25 variables. For WalkSAT, our formulas appear to be harder than any other known generator of satisfiable instances. Finally, our formulas can be solved efficiently by RRT but only if the parameter d is tuned to the height of the barriers between local minima, and we use this parameter to measure the barrier heights in random 3-XOR-SAT formulas as well.