Nanosized polypyrrole-polystyrene (PPy-PS) composite particles were synthesized by the polymerization of pyrrole on PS nanoparticles in the presence of FeCl 3 . The PS nanoparticles were prepared from microemulsion polymerizations using the cationic nonpolymerizable surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), the nonionic polymerizable surfactant -methoxy[poly(ethylene oxide) 40 ]undecyl ␣-methacrylate (PEO-R-MA-40), or the cationic polymerizable surfactant -acryloyloxyundecyltrimethylammonium bromide (AUTMAB). For the latexes stabilized by CTAB, the resulting PPy-PS composite particles exhibited relatively poor colloidal stability and the pressed pellets exhibited relatively low electrical conductivities (ϳ10
Ϫ7-10 Ϫ3 S cm Ϫ1 ). However, for the latexes stabilized by polymerizable surfactants, the resulting PPy-PS composite particles exhibited relatively good colloidal stability and relatively high conductivities (ϳ10 Ϫ5 -10 Ϫ1 S cm Ϫ1 ). The effect of polymerizable surfactants on the colloidal stability of composite particles and the conducting mechanism of the composites are discussed.