The spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of electrons (e,-) trapped in several ice matrices at 77 "K has been estimated to be of the order of s by observation of the electron spin resonance (e.s.r.) dispersion signal under fast passage conditions. These studies, together with measurements of the microwave power saturation of the e.s.r. absorption signal indicate that there is little difference in T1 at 77 "K for e,-in solute-free polycrystalline H,O or D,O ice, y-irradiated 8 M NaOH/H20 or NaOD/D,O glassy ices, and in 8 M NaOD/D,O glasses in which the electrons were produced by photoionization of ferrocyanide ion. This indicates that the predominant spin-lattice relaxation mechanism is not cross relaxation, and that correlations between TI and line width or trap depth are inappropriate.Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 47, 2155Chemistry, 47, (1969 Introduction Electrons trapped in solute-free ice (et-) by condensation of irradiated water vapor appear to have similar chemical properties to those trapped in ice containing high concentrations of electrolytes (1). It was of interest to compare some of the e.s.r. characteristics of e,-in solute-free, polycrystalline ice with those trapped in glassy ice containing high concentrations of solute. The close similarity of the small, negative g-shift for et-in both types of system suggested similar interaction with the matrix via (weak) spin-orbit coupling, and by means of microwave power saturation characteristics we have investigated the interaction of et-with the matrix to see whether any differences could be detected.A study has been published (2) of the saturation characteristics of e,-in y-irradiated glassy ice containing ca. 8 M NaOH or NaOD, and we have, therefore, compared et-in solute-free ice with those in y-irradiated alkaline ice. In the latter case, enhanced spin-spin interaction due to the inhomogeneous spatial distribution of et-could complicate the study, and hence we also compared the saturation behavior of et-produced (presumably homogeneously) by photoionization of a dilute solution of ferrocyanide ion (3) in an identical glassy alkaline ice matrix.