standard atomic absorption sensitivities. Even more important, the linearity of the analytical curves should be improved.-. .Apart from the technical problems associated with modulating the field, it must also be shown that in such a system the background does not change when the field is modulated. In considering overall performance for a Zeeman-effect atomic absorption spectrophotometer, it would appear that this approach may retain the improved background correction capability with minimum sacrifice in sensitivity and analytical range. (8) Koizumi, H.; Yasuda, K.First results are presented of a new analytical discharge system wherein the normal processes of samp/ing and spectral excifaflon are temporally and spatially segregated into Independently optlmlzable events. Specifically, a high voltage spark Is first used as a sampling device to create a toroidally-shaped reservoir of species sampled from a metallic electrode surface. Later in time, after the spark sampling current has ceased, thls material is inductively re-excited, at high frequency, utilizing critical coupling Conditions. This approach results in dmpliflcatlon of observed emission spectra with most energy seemingly concentrated in the atom and ion resonance lines (speclation). Further, one observes relatively sharp spectral emitting lines and nearly total elimination of spectral background continuum. Because of the optical thinness of the re-exclted torus, Increased freedom from physlcal matrix effects and Increased dynamic range are anticipated, but have not been experimentally verified.The major goal in this laboratory has centered around the development and understanding of new luminous electrical discharges which allow separation of sampling and of spectral excitation phenomena which are normally integrated in direct spectrochemical analysis of metal surfaces. The long term goal is to provide control and optimization of each step to analytical advantage.We report here first results of a new approach to direct spectrochemical analysis of a metallic electrode surface. This approach involves direct metallic vapor introduction, with spatial integrity, into an observation region via controlled high voltage spark sampling of discrete electrode surfaces. The properties of the spark discharge process serve to locate this vaporized metal (ions and atoms) in space with well-defined toroidal geometry. Time-delayed re-excitation of this resident vapor, with a triggered high frequency pulsed energy train, is then caused to occur at a time corresponding to critical