ElsevierGil Sánchez, L.; Soto Camino, J.; Martínez Mañez, R.; García Breijo, E.; Ibáñez Civera, FJ.; Llobet Valero, E. (2011). A novel humid electronic nose combined with an electronic tongue for assessing deterioration of wine. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 171 (2) Abstract: We report herein the use of a combined system for the analysis of the spoilage of wine 16 when in contact with air. The system consists of a potentiometric electronic tongue and a humid 17 electronic nose. The potentiometric electronic tongue was built with thick-film serigraphic techniques 18 using commercially available resistances and conductors for hybrid electronic circuits; i.e. Ag, Au, 19 Cu, Ru, AgCl, and C. The humid electronic nose was designed in order to detect vapours that emanate 20 from the wine and are apprehended by a moist environment. The humid nose was constructed using a 21 piece of thin cloth sewn, damped with distilled water, forming five hollows of the right size to 22 introduce the electrodes. In this particular case four electrodes were used for the humid electronic 23 nose: a glass electrode, aluminium (Al), graphite and platinum (Pt) wires and an Ag-AgCl reference 24 electrode. The humid electronic nose together with the potentiometric electronic tongue were used for 25 the evaluation of the evolution in the course of time of wine samples. Additionally to the analysis 26 performed by the tongue and nose, the spoilage of the wines was followed via a simple determination 27 of the titratable (total) acidity. 28