A. H 0 and i2A major procedural advance in the determination of the H 0 and J2 has been that the problem is now being attacked from many different points of view and to some extent the observations are converging on preferred values of H 0 and £2 (£2 = density parameter = 8jrGp 0 /3H 0 where p 0 is the mean density of matter in the Universe and H 0 is the Hubble constant; £2 = 2q 0 where q 0 is the deceleration parameter). The classical approaches through the redshift-magnitude relation for the most massive galaxies in clusters suggest a value of H 0 = 60 km s _ I Mpc (see the review by Tammann in IAU Symp. 63).The classical approach to the determination of £2 is through the extension of the redshift-magnitude relation to large redshifts and the major contributions have been made by Sandage and by Gunn and Oke. Of particular importance has been the use of the multichannel scanner on the 200-in. telescope to determine the absolute spectra of galaxies. Two important advances are:(i) the redshift range 0.3 to 0.5 has been filled out by the addition of about 17 new galaxies which are the brightest members of clusters to the M-Z plot;(ii) the problem of K-corrections is eliminated since the absolute spectrum of each galaxy is measured. One result of immediate importance is that 3C295, which is at a redshift of 0.461 and which up till recently was the only object at such a large redshift, appears to be intrinsically brighter than other first ranking galaxies in clusters. Gunn and Oke (Astrophys. J. 195, 255, 1975) find that the best fitting value of q 0 is small, q 0 = 0.31 ±0.68 (3C295 included) or q 0 = -0 . 1 5 ± 0.54 (3C295 excluded) without making any allowance for cosmological evolution. Formally, if allowance is made for the evolution of the luminosity of the most massive galaxies in clusters, the best fit value of q 0 is negative, q 0 = -0.43 ± 0.54 (3C295 included) or q 0 = -1.27 ± 0.62 (3C295 excluded), i.e. the Universe is accelerating. A literal interpretation of this result suggests that the cosmological constant A is non-zero. However, what has become increasingly apparent even with the much improved data-base, is the great sensitivity of q 0 to very small corrections. Sandage's approach has been to investigate all possible correlations between the properties of massive galaxies in clusters and cluster membership and to calibrate out these effects. Serious problems remain, however, with very small corrections which depend upon the astrophysical evolution of massive galaxies in clusters. The problem of estimating the 'static' evolution of a massive galaxy in a cluster has already been mentioned. There is also the question of how the most massive galaxies in clusters form. If, as seems plausible, they are massive because matter in the cluster has nowhere else to fall, there could well be significant changes in their luminosities over cosmological time-scales. Recently Ostriker and Tremaine have discussed the problem of the central massive galaxy disrupting and 'swallowing' spiral galaxies in the cluster....