We consider the problem of approximating all real roots of a squarefree polynomial f . Given isolating intervals, our algorithm refines each of them to a width at most 2 −L , that is, each of the roots is approximated to L bits after the binary point. Our method provides a certified answer for arbitrary real polynomials, only requiring finite approximations of the polynomial coefficient and choosing a suitable working precision adaptively. In this way, we get a correct algorithm that is simple to implement and practically efficient. Our algorithm uses the quadratic interval refinement method; we adapt that method to be able to cope with inaccuracies when evaluating f , without sacrificing its quadratic convergence behavior. We prove a bound on the bit complexity of our algorithm in terms of degree, coefficient size and discriminant. Our bound improves previous work on integer polynomials by a factor of deg f and essentially matches best known theoretical bounds on root approximation which are obtained by very sophisticated algorithms.