The e-commerce has got great development in the past decades and brings great convenience to people. Users can obtain all kinds of services through e-commerce platform with mobile device from anywhere and at anytime. To make it work well, e-commerce platform must be secure and provide privacy preserving. To achieve this goal, Islam et al. proposed a dynamic identity-based remote user mutual authentication scheme with smart card using Elliptic Curve Cryptography(ECC). Islam et al claimed that the security of their scheme was good enough to resist various attacks. However, we demonstrate that their scheme is vulnerable to insider attack and suffers from off-line password guessing attack if smart card is compromised. To overcome the deficiencies, we present an improved scheme over Islam's scheme. The security proof and analysis shows that our scheme can also provide user anonymity and mutual authentication, and the security is enough to against relay attack, impersonation attack, and other common secure attackers. The performance analysis shows that the proposed scheme is more efficient than Islam et al's scheme.
KEYWORDSelliptic curve cryptography, password, provable security, smart card Int J Commun Syst. 2017;