In this paper, we analyse the joint and individual time that Italian couples allocate to the different arts activities and arts practices. The Time Use Survey of Italian households (ISTAT 2002(ISTAT -2003 is used for the first time for this purpose. Despite an unbalanced gender division of paid and unpaid work in this country, women are shown to have a greater predisposition towards engaging in the arts. Altogether, Italian couples spend half of their arts time together. After we apply a Heckman's selection model, results show the overall positive effects of age, education, individual and couple's well-being and weekend participation, and the negative effects of children and residence in southern regions. Yet we demonstrate that the likelihood to participate in the arts and the amount of time allocated to them are determined by different factors. In particular, we highlight some differences and complementarities in partners' personal and mutual influence and respective roles within the couple and the household.