Ninety-one instructors reported their attitudes toward teaching a master's-level career development course. The participants represented counseling programs in 41 states. The areas of focus included the theories taught, activities and assignments used, course evaluation processes, and advice the participants would offer to other instructors. Implications for counselor education and directions for future research are also discussed.Keywords: counselor education, career course, teaching career development Career development has played a critical role in the counseling profession and is a core component of the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). A 2000 commission established by the National Career Development Association (NCDA) and the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES), the NCDA-ACES Commission for Preparing Counselors for the 21st century, identified improving the teaching of the career course as a major goal, emphasizing that "career development instruction and supervision should be on the highest pedagogical caliber, including innovative and exciting strategies" (p. 8). Since then, only one empirical article (Bobek et al., 2005) on teaching the career course has been published, and it was focused on a class activity. In a more general study, Carter et al. (1994) found that the career course was the most dissatisfying to teach among associate and full professors, and 28% who had never taught the course believed that it would be dissatisfying. Savickas (2003) suggested that the career course is often taught by adjuncts or new assistant professors and is the course that they least prefer to teach. Patton and McIlveen (2009) lamented that research on the pedagogy of career development was "rather limited" and yet necessary for progression in the field (p. 124).CACREP (2009) connecting standards to hiring practices, work requirements, and counselor proficiency (Schmidt, 1999). Carter et al. (1994) found that many faculty felt limited by time and CACREP demands. McGlothlin and Davis (2004) found faculty-rated CACREP core objectives for career development to be the least beneficial. We chose CACREP-accredited programs for our study because the standards form a common ground of required objectives and require regular evaluation (Warden & Benshoff, 2012).Effective pedagogy is valued in our profession. The ACA Code of Ethics requires counselor educators to be "skilled as teachers and practitioners" (ACA, 2005, p. 15). Although pedagogical suggestions abound (Emmett & McAuliffe, 2011;LoFrisco & Osborn, 2012; Minor & Pope, 2005;Osborn, 2008Osborn, , 2009aOsborn, , 2009b Osborn, , 2009c, empirical evidence is lacking (Dickson & Jepsen, 2007). Educators must rely, therefore, on evidence from self-report surveys of individual classes on skill demonstration (O'Halloran & McCartney, 2004), assignment feedback (O'Mara & Demask, 2003), and students' attitudes toward multimedia instruction (Hayes & Robinson, 2000).Undergraduate teaching principles, such as ac...