“…Execution model that is being used: Compiled code for CPU Q3: TYPICAL USER PROFILES FOR THE LANGUAGE Roles of the users of this language: End-user Technical knowledge required: Languages (Goal language) Q4: EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LANGUAGE -> Success evaluated, Quantitative comparison performed, Explicit comparison of the language proposal with respect to distinct settings/context/configurations, Two test cases. They performed a number of tests regarding the scalability of the system with respect to a number of factors, Metrics (Lines of code, Satisfaction, Time), Impact on the productivity gains brought (Learnability, Lower cognitive overload, Easier to remember, Expressiveness, Easier to use -Qualitative), Products' performance gains brought (Computation efficiency, Scalability -Quantitative)A.2.6 Java[18,19,20,21,22] Q2: NATURE OF THE LANGUAGEApplication Domain: Grid w applications to Ray tracing and Sequencing; Machine Learning; Specify policies to transform divide and conquer sequential programs into parallel executions Purpose of the language: Formalization of the requirements of the problem, Formalization of the solution, Simulation of the solution, Implement the solution, Data Interpretation Key Advantages: Performance, Portability, Easiness of configuration, Orchestration and Usability (Effectiveness/Efficiency/Satisfaction) Paradigms underlying the language: Object-Oriented, Hybrid (Language to schedule constraint solving) There is a concrete syntax for the language and the preferred representation type is Textual Tool support for the language: Interpreters, Compilers Technologies used to create the language tool suite: XML based technology ( A XML like syntax to describe classes and methods to be scheduled ) Execution stack requirements to support the artifacts created with those languages: VM Supervisor (JVM on grid), OS (any), IO architecture (Grid), Libraries (Apache Spark, 77 Weka 3.6.0, Hadoop 0.20) Execution model that is being used: Virtual Execution Environment ( Java Virtual Machine ), Distributed middleware (Hadoop, Apache Spark), HPC Libraries (Apache Spark), Bytecode for virtual machine (JVM on Grid) Q3: TYPICAL USER PROFILES FOR THE LANGUAGE Roles of the users of this language: End-user Technical knowledge required: Languages (Java) Q4: EFFECTIVENESS OF THE LANGUAGE -> S uccess evaluated, Quantitative comparison performed, Metrics (Lines of code, Time), Impact on the productivity gains brought (Easier to use, Compact representation), Products' performance gains brought (Computation efficiency, Scalability -quantitative) A.2.7 OpenCL [27, 28] Q2: NATURE OF THE LANGUAGE Application Domain: CFD (any application that benefits from GPU), Big Data processing Purpose of the language: Formalization of the requirements of the problem, Implement the solution Key advantages: Performance, Portability, Easiness of configuration, Orchestration, Usability (Effectiveness/Efficiency/Satisfaction) Paradigms underlying the language: Object-Oriented There is a concrete syntax for the language and the preferred representation type can be both Textual and Diagrammatic Existing tool support for the language: Compilers, Tool suite Technologies used to create the language tool suite: GenERTiCA source code generator Execution stack requirements to support the artifacts created with those languages: multiple OS supported Execution model being used: Distributed middleware, HPC Libraries, Bytecode for virtual machine, Compiled code for CPU, Compiled code for GPU The language target specific hardware and GPUs or multi-core architecturesQ3: TYPICAL USER PROFILES FOR THE LANGUAGE Roles of the users of this language: End-user Technical knowledge required: ...…”