The purpose of this study is to explain the experimentally observed differences in the machined surface quality and cutting forces of single crystals with the change in cutting direction and/or cutting plane with respect to the crystal orientation. Taylor-based perfectly plastic model is used to relate the crystallographic orientation to the cutting forces and the specific energy considering friction between the chip and the rake face of the tool. The model is valid for the depths of cuts that are greater than the limit below which size scale effects are observed (∼ 1μm). The periodic force and shear angle variations in the microtome experiments of Black et al. (Von Turkovich and Black, Trans Am Soc Mech Eng 92:130-134, 1970; Black, J Eng Ind 101:403-415, 1979;Cohen and Black, 1984) and the change in force and surface quality with a change in turning axis of a single crystal copper and aluminum in diamond turning experiments of To, Lee, and Chan (To et al., J Mater Process Technol 63:157-162, 1997) can be explained with the results of the model.