In this paper we develop a hybrid version of the encounter-based approach to diffusion-mediated absorption at a reactive surface, which takes into account stochastic switching of a diffusing particle's conformational state. For simplicity, we consider a two-state model in which the probability of surface absorption depends on the current particle state and the amount of time the particle has spent in a neighborhood of the surface in each state. The latter is determined by a pair of local times ℓn,t, n = 0, 1, which are Brownian functionals that keep track of particlesurface encounters over the time interval [0, t]. We proceed by constructing a differential Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for a pair of generalized propagators Pn(x, ℓ0, ℓ1, t), where Pn is the joint probability density for the set (Xt, ℓ0,t, ℓ1,t) when Nt = n, where Xt denotes the particle position and Nt is the corresponding conformational state. Performing a double Laplace transform with respect to ℓ0, ℓ1 yields an effective system of equations describing diffusion in a bounded domain Ω, in which there is switching between two Robin boundary conditions on ∂Ω. The corresponding constant reactivities are κj = Dzj, j = 0, 1, where zj is the Laplace variable corresponding to ℓj and D is the diffusivity. Given the solution for the propagators in Laplace space, we construct a corresponding probabilistic model for partial absorption, which requires finding the inverse Laplace transform with respect to z0, z1. We illustrate the theory by considering diffusion of a particle on the half-line with the boundary at x = 0 effectively switching between a totally reflecting and a partially absorbing state. We calculate the flux due to absorption and use this to compute the resulting MFPT in the presence of a renewal-based stochastic resetting protocol. The latter resets the position and conformational state of the particle as well as the corresponding local times. Finally, we indicate how to extend the analysis to higher spatial dimensions using the spectral theory of Dirichlet-to-Neumann operators.