“…The phase change between x-axis and y-axis of the incident light is given by ∆φ= (2π/λ)Lr22Vno 3 /d, where r22 is the nonzero component of the electro-optic tensor for LiNbO3, no is the index of refraction of LiNbO3 crystal, V is the voltage applied across the EOM, and d is the distance between the electrodes on the EOM. Then using the Jones matrix and stokes vectors 21,22 , we deduce that the EOM's application to polarization rotation in azimuth and in ellipticity can be expressed as tan2ψ =tan2θ/cosφ and sin2χ=cos2θsinφ, respectively. ψ is the azimuth angle, χ is the ellipticity angle, and θ is the angle between the initial polarization direction and x axis.…”