Responses to adverse environmental conditions are regulated by gene regulatory networks, in which transcription factors play a central role in plants. The NAC transcription factors constitute a representative transcription factor family that mediate diverse aspects of biotic and abiotic stress responses in plants. 1 Notably, some NAC transcription factors are integrated into the intracellular membranes and proteolytically activated upon exposure to developmental and external stimuli.2,3 At least 13 membranebound NAC transcription factors, collectively designated 'NAC with transmembrane motif 1 (NTM1)-like (NTL)' members, have been identified in Arabidopsis. 4 Several NTL genes, such as NTL4, NTL6 and NTL8, have been shown to mediate diverse environmental stress responses.
4A truncated NTL4 form (4ΔC) lacking the TM motif possesses transcriptional activation activity, and 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants exhibit distinct phenotypes, such as reduced growth and alteration of leaf morphology. 5 These observations suggest that the 4ΔC form is closely related with a biologically functional NTL4 form. Notably, the NTL4 gene is significantly induced by drought and heat stresses.5 Diverse plant developmental processes, such as germination and leaf senescence, are profoundly affected by environmental stresses. 6,7 We therefore examined the potential role of the NTL4 gene in drought stress responses. Whereas the 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants were susceptible to drought stress, the ntl4 mutants showed enhanced drought resistance, suggesting that NTL4 gene is involved in drought stress responses. 5 reactive oxygen species (roS) are produced when plants are exposed to environmental stresses, such as drought and heat conditions. oxidative stress imposed by roS under drought conditions profoundly affects plant growth and development. however, roS production and scavenging mechanisms under adverse environmental conditions are largely unknown. We have recently reported that a nam/ataF1/2/CuC2 (naC) transcription factor ntL4 is required for generation of roS under drought conditions in arabidopsis. 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants overexpressing a truncated ntL4 form (4ΔC) lacking the C-terminal transmembrane (tm) motif were hypersensitive to drought stress, and roS accumulated to a high level in the transgenic plants. in contrast, NTL4-deficient ntl4 mutants were less sensitive to drought stress and contained reduced levels of roS. Furthermore, the plasma membrane-associated ntL4 transcription factor is proteolytically activated by treatments with drought and abscisic acid (aBa) and nuclear-localized, where it induces expression of naDPh oxidase genes involved in roS biosynthesis. notably, the 35S:4ΔC transgenic plants showed accelerated leaf senescence and cell death under drought conditions. taken together, these observations indicate that ntL4 regulation of roS generation underlies the drought-induced leaf senescence. Keywords: ABA, arabidopsis, drought stress, leaf senescence, NAM/ATAF1/2/CUC2 (NAC), ROS ROS are toxic materials that cause oxid...