Wireless sensor network (WSN)
Keywords: clustering, network lifetime, energy consumption, route discovery, clusters managementCopyright © 2016 Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. All rights reserved.
IntroductionWSN consists of several sensor nodes with one or many sink nodes that are scattered in a physical environment to sense the events and gathering data. Sensor nodes sense the environment gathering information, integrate the data and send the achieved information to sink node or base station (BS). The sink in turn queries the sensor nodes for information [1]. The sensor nodes are small devices with small batteries and recharging of these batteries is impractical in deployed scenarios. Therefore to reduce energy usage and prolong lifetime is main design criteria for sensor networks. Structure and unstructured are two main categories of WSNs. Unstructured WSN consist of dense collection of wireless sensor nodes. After deployed, the nodes left unattended to do data gathering and reporting. Manage connectivity and detecting nodes or link failures is difficult in unstructured WSN because there is large number of nodes. On other side sensor nodes are deployed in pre defined manner in structured WSN. Structured network reduces network maintenance and expenses [2]. Adhoc routing protocols are not feasible in WSN due to limited energy and computing capabilities. Sensor nodes are limited in memory, bandwidth, transmission power and energy. Such types of constraints have posed many research issues to prolong network lifetime.WSN consist number of nodes with limited memory, processing, power and energy resources. Due to such limited resources monitoring the interested physical environment by numerous sensing devices for a long period of time makes it a challenging task. Saving energy to enhance the network's lifetime is a critical problem in WSN and therefore "how to enhanced and improve the WSN lifetime" is a crucial question. The primary objective of WSN is data collection and transmission. Free space and multipath fading are two types of models in for WSN. There is a nonlinear relationship between each node in terms of the energy consumption of wireless communication. The energy consumption of free space model is much smaller than