Deployment of wireless sensor networks is rapidly increasing in many different monitoring and control applications. Design and implementation of wireless sensor networks, requires diverse knowledge from several different disciplines. Therefore, this is a new interdisciplinary technology, which has been discussed widely in the literatures.Sensor nodes of the WSNs are powered by limited resources, which are mostly the batteries with constrained energy. Design of an energy efficient routing protocol contributes to increasing the network lifetime. In this thesis, based on energy analysis of the routing protocols, a new method of data transmission is proposed. However, design and applying a routing protocol in WSNs is very application specific and can be changed for different parameters of the environment.The new proposed method is applicable for different network sizes, while the energy efficiency of the protocol is the main characteristics of the design. Moreover, some other important parameters, which affect the efficiency of the transmission, such as number of nodes and massage length, are considered during the simulations. Geliştirilen yeni yöntemde protokolun enerji verimliliği tasarım sürecinin asıl karakteristiğini oluştururken bu yöntem çeşitli ağ boyutları için uygulanabilmektedir.Bunun dışında düğüm sayıları ve mesaj uzunluğu gibi aktarma süreci üzerinde etkili olan başka parametreler de simülasyon sürecinde dikkate alınmıştır.