The routing process in WSN needs to be more secure and safe, thus a secure routing process is carried out in this research, where the source node transmits packet simultaneously to destination. WSN nodes are simulated initially, and then the optimal cluster head (CH) from the entire nodes are selected. Here, CH selection is done with the developed Fractional Artificial Lion algorithm (FAL) method.The proposed FAL approach is introduced by combining fractional Calculus, Lion Optimization Algorithm (LOA), and the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC). Moreover, the fitness parameters, like delay, energy, distance, and link lifetime (LLT) where the minimal distance is chosen as the best path. Consequently, route maintenance is done after the secure routing. Moreover, the performance of devised FAL is compared with various performance metrics, like several alive nodes, energy, distance, and throughput. The developed FAL approach obtains a maximal alive node of 45, a minimal distance of 9.29 m, maximal energy of 0.14 J, and maximal throughput of 92.25%.