This special issue is composed of a collection of articles, which provide recent advances in some fields related to Big Data Security and Intelligent Data in Clouds. More precisely, the manuscripts investigate different topics including forensic in cloud-of-things devices, encryption in mobile cloud environments, defense against malicious URL spreading in microblog networks, social network access control model in cloud computing, dynamic resource sharing algorithms, load balancing for cloud computing, cloud-based audio/video streaming techniques, energy-aware scheduling in clouds, sensor network security in cloud computing, as well as real world applications related to industry, manufacturing, and vanets. We hope that the readers could benefit from the articles presented in this special issue and would contribute to these exciting research areas.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe guest editors of this special issue wish to express their sincere gratitude to all of the authors who contributed to this issue. We extend our thanks to the reviewers for their hard work and their feedbacks. Likewise, we wish to express our gratitude