ePortfolios have been in use in university for nearly a decade. Students' learning is changing, and the university is faced with e-learning 2.0, which is based on Web 2.0. This chapter introduces e-learning 2.0 and shows that the ePortfolio is currently the ideal environment to accompany it. To emphasize e-learning 2.0, the authors propose to enrich the ePortfolio's structure by adding an item corresponding to e-learning 2.0 artifacts as well as to other new learning sources. Some ePortfolio standards are described to show the lack of such a dedicated item. It is stressed that this proposition concerns the conceptual aspect and not the technical one. It may help follow the current students' tendency as well as the market demand for use. The end of this chapter addresses some difficulties in introducing the ePortfolio and stresses that it is still relevant for e-learning 2.0.