We have identified a genetic polymorphism of factor VII that is strongly associated with plasma factor VII coagulant activity (factor VIIc) in healthy individuals from the United Kingdom. This polymorphism was detected after Msp I digestion of polymerase chain reaction-amplified genomic DN A. In a sample of 284 men, the frequency of the M2 allele (loss of cutting site) is 0.1, and individuals with the M1M2 genotype have factor VIIc levels 22% below the sample mean (p<0.0001). F actor VII is a serine protease found in plasma and is one of the vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors, along with prothrombin (factor II), factors IX and X, and proteins C and S (for review, see Reference 1). Factor VII is synthesized principally in the liver and is secreted as a single-chain glycoprotein of apparent M, 48,000.
2Cleavage of human factor VII to factor Vila, a two-chain form held together by disulfide bonds, results in a 20-to 25-fold increase in enzyme activity.2 This cleavage can be effected by a number of activated coagulation factors, including factors Xlla, Xa, and IXa and thrombin.2 In the presence of tissue factor and calcium ions, factor Vila converts factor X to factor Xa in the initiating reaction of the extrinsic coagulation pathway.