The Whitney forms on a simplex T admit high-order generalizations that have received a great deal of attention in numerical analysis. Less well-known are the shadow forms of Brasselet, Goresky, and MacPherson. These forms generalize the Whitney forms, but have rational coefficients, allowing singularities near the faces of T . Motivated by numerical problems that exhibit these kinds of singularities, we introduce degrees of freedom for the shadow k-forms that are wellsuited for finite element implementations. In particular, we show that the degrees of freedom for the shadow forms are given by integration over the k-dimensional faces of the blow-up T of the simplex T . Consequently, we obtain an isomorphism between the cohomology of the complex of shadow forms and the cellular cohomology of T , which vanishes except in degree zero. Additionally, we discover a surprising probabilistic interpretation of shadow forms in terms of Poisson processes. This perspective simplifies several proofs and gives a way of computing bases for the shadow forms using a straightforward combinatorial calculation.