Abstract. We consider sequences of s · k(n) × t · k(n) matrices {An(f )} with a block structure spectrally distributed as an L 1 p-variate s × t matrix-valued function f , and, for any n, we suppose that An(·) is a linear and positive operator. For every fixed n we approximate the matrix An(f ) in a suitable linear space Mn of s · k(n) × t · k(n) matrices by minimizing the Frobenius norm of An(f ) − Xn when Xn ranges over Mn. The minimizerXn is denoted by P k(n) (An(f )). We show that only a simple Korovkin test over a finite number of polynomial test functions has to be performed in order to prove the following general facts:1. the sequence {P k(n) (An(f ))} is distributed as f , 2. the sequence {An(f )−P k(n) (An(f ))} is distributed as the constant function 0 (i.e. is spectrally clustered at zero). The first result is an ergodic one which can be used for solving numerical approximation theory problems. The second has a natural interpretation in the theory of the preconditioning associated to cg-like algorithms.