Cover: There are two competing RAFT polymerization theories: Intermediate Radical Termination (IRT) and Slow Fragmentation (SF). Using direct integration methods and the QSSA (quasi steady state approximation) the full MWD, that contains essential information for mechanism discrimination, can be calculated. Further details can be found in the article by I. Zapata-González, E. Saldívar-Guerra,* and J. Ortiz-Cisneros on page 370.
Contents www.mts-journal.deThe full molecular weight distribution (FMWD) in RAFT polymerization is solved by direct integration for the slow fragmentation (SF) and the intermediate radical termination (IRT) models using the steady state approximation when possible. A marked bimodality is found for the FMWD of the SF model only, which suggests radical trapping experiments and GPC measurements to discriminate among models.