The next release of the ENDF/B data library planned for 1989 contains improved ' data evaluations of Interest to the fusion neutronics community. New data formats permit inclusion of energy-angle correlated particle emission spectra and recoil nucleus energy spectra. Enhanced formats for covariance information have been developed. Many new isotopic evaluations will lead to improved energy conservation and kerna factor calculations. Improved nuclear model calculations will provide reliable particle emission data where experimental information is sparse. Improved Bayssian fitting codes will provide more accurate evaluations for data rich reactions such as Li(n,nt)a. All of the most important fusion material evaluations contain these new features. Planning for ENDF/B-VI began in 1979. As a first step, it was decided to perform a simultaneous evaluation of Che neutron "standard" cross sections. The plan was to complete ENDF/B-VI in 1984 or 1985. However, drastic cuts in funding in the United States fast breeder reactor program resulted in a reduction of more than 75 percent in the resources available for the project. Responsibility for the production of ENDF/B-VI was transferred from Reactor Technology to Energy Research within the U.S. Department of Energy. The simultaneous evaluation of the "standard" cross sections also required more time and staffing than originally envisioned, but was successfully completed In the summer of 1987. Significant enhancements in formats for ENDF data files have been developed since ENDF/B-V was released. The formats have been extended to incorporate the following new or improved data representations: 1) R-function and R-matrlx resonance region representations; 2) incident charged particle reactions; 3) emitted particle energy-angle distributions (File 6); 4) covariance formats for secondary angle distributions, secondary energy distributions, and lsoaer production. ENDF-B-VI is the first version of the ENDF/B data library in which fusion data requirements have provided the major impetus for format enhancements and for evaluation improvements for the non-fissile, non-fertile nuclides. The new data evaluations provide improved calculations of radiation damage, neutron transport, shielding, activation, dosimetry, tritium breeding, heating, and energy balance. More covariance Information will provide better parameter uncertainty calculations. To help meet these needs, the ENDF/B-VI data library includes, for the first Research has been carried under the aucpices of the U.S.D.O.E. under Contract No. DE-AC02-76CH00016.