ModEco is a software package for ecological niche modeling. It integrates a range of niche modeling methods within a geographical information system. ModEco provides a user friendly platform that enables users to explore, analyze, and model species distribution data with relative ease. ModEco has several unique features: 1) it deals with different types of ecological observation data, such as presence and absence data, presence-only data, and abundance data; 2) it provides a range of models when dealing with presence-only data, such as presence-only models, pseudo-absence models, background vs presence data models, and ensemble models; and 3) it includes relatively comprehensive tools for data visualization, feature selection, and accuracy assessment.With the increasing availability of ecological data (Graham et al. 2004, Wieczorek et al. 2004, environmental niche modeling has gained much attention for a wide variety of ecological applications (Feria and Peterson 2002, Chefaoui et al. 2005, Guo et al. 2005, Thuiller et al. 2005a, Pearce and Boyce 2006. Conventional GIS packages are useful for data management, collection, visualization, and spatial analysis, but they lack advanced statistical approaches, particularly methods that are relevant for modeling the distribution of species. While statistical packages are capable of analyzing and modeling species data with a variety of modeling techniques, the visualization and GIS data support are often poor and require a steep learning curve for users (Wielanda et al. 2006). There are many environmental niche modeling packages available; for example, MaxEnt (Phillips et al. 2006), and GARP (Stockwell andPeters 1999). Existing comparisons between different niche models do not show consistent conclusions (Lek et al. 1996, Mastrorillo et al. 1997, Stockwell and Peterson 2002, Elith et al. 2006, Graham et al. 2006, Stockman et al. 2006 in part due to the fact that the comparisons were primarily conducted on different platforms, which could implement the training and testing differently. Therefore, there is a need to develop an integrated platform to model species distribution data. In this software note, we present software for species data analysis and modeling (referred to as ModEco). The unique features of ModEco are: 1) it includes relatively comprehensive tools for dealing with different types of species data. ModEco contains models for dealing with presence-only data, presence and absence data, and abundance data (continuous values). Specifically, for dealing with presence-only data that are very common in ecological observation data, ModEco includes four types of models, namely, presence-only models, pseudo-absence data models, background vs presence data models, and ensemble models. 2) ModEco provides a user friendly interface that allows users to explore species data with ease. Functions that ModEco provides include: a) environmental and species occurrence data management and visualization; b) feature analysis and selection, such as factor importance analysis, com...