//dx.doi.org/10.4047/jkap.2013.51.4.284 Purpose: This study compared fracture strength and fracture modes between metal wire reinforcement and glass fiber reinforcement in repaired maxillary complete denture. Materials and methods: In this study, fracture was reproduced on center of maxillary complete dentures and the denture was repaired with auto-polymerizing resin. The experimental groups (n = 10) were subjected to the following condition: without reinforcing material (control group), reinforcing with metal wire (W group), reinforcing with glass fiber pre-impregnated with light-curing resin (SES MESH, INNO Dental Co., Yeoncheon, Korea, G group). The fracture strength and fracture modes of a maxillary complete denture were tested using Instron test machine (Instron Co., Canton, MA, USA) at a 5.0 mm/min crosshead speed. The flexure load was applied to center of denture with a 20 mm diameter ball attachment. When fracture occurred, the fracture mode was classified based on fracture lines. The Kruskal-wallis test and the Mann-whitney U test were performed to identify statistical differences at α =.05. Results: W group showed the highest value of fracture strength, there was no significant difference (P>.05) between control group and G group. Control group and W group showed anteroposterior fracture mainly, group W showed adhesive fracture of denture base and reinforcing material. Conclusion: In limitation of this study, the glass fiber did not improve the fracture strength of repaired maxillary complete denture, and adhesive failure was occurred along the lines of glass fiber. (J Korean Acad Prosthodont 2013;51:284-91)