This study was conducted to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Heart Surgery Symptom Inventory (HSSI) in Turkish language. This methodological study consisted of 312 patients who had CABG surgery in a public and a foundation university hospital between December 2017 and September 2018. Data were collected with the Patient Information Form and the HSSI. Language validity of the HSSI was analyzed by the translation-back translation method. Content validity was evaluated by Davis technique. Cronbach α coefficient, and item total correlation were examined for the reliability of the inventory. Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett's tests were performed to evaluate the sampling adequacy and the suitability of the data for factor analysis. KMO value was 0.867, which indicates suitability for principal component analysis. Bartlett's test was found as x2=22733.809; p=0.000 and this value shows that the data are related to each other and are suitable for factor analysis. Content Validity Index (CVI) of the inventory was found 0.84. Factor loadings of the 35-item HSSI, which was examined as a single sub-dimension, varied between 333 and 858, and explained variance was 44.922%. The total Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.961 and the total item correlations for all items were positive. As a result, the HSSI with single-subscale and 35-item was found to be valid and reliable inventory in Turkish language and could be used for the evaluation of symptoms after heart surgery.