This study proposes measures needed to implement a job-based national practical exam for dental technicians.Methods: For this study, a survey was conducted targeting 244 currently employed individuals. The current national practical test for dental technicians was divided into directions for the job-based practical test, subjects that need improvement among the current practical test subjects, items that need to be reflected in the practical test evaluation for each subject, and subjects that need to be added to the practical test. It comprised ten questions (Cronbach's α=0.801).
Results:The following results were obtained. Satisfaction with the current practical test was lower than average. Future improvement should focus on job-based evaluation. The dental ceramic lab technology subject needs to be reorganized urgently, and the tasks that require evaluation for each subject are different. Moreover, if evaluation subjects are added in the future, the introduction of assessment for dental CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/ computer-aided manufacturing) subjects was found to be the most urgent.
Conclusion:In this study, the most necessary tasks of the current national practical examination for dental technicians were evaluated and the content needed for future reorganization was investigated. Future tests should be expanded to evaluate critical job areas. Furthermore, it is necessary to open new courses in fields such as CAD/CAM, as they are in high demand in the workplace.