Psychosocial and structural syndemic conditions, including polydrug use and
experiencing homelessness, frequently co-occur and might jointly increase HIV
risk. Limited studies have assessed racial and ethnic differences in exposure to
syndemic conditions and behaviors associated with HIV transmission among
transgender women. This report examines the relation between syndemic conditions
and condomless anal intercourse (CAI) among transgender women in seven urban
areas in the United States to develop HIV prevention interventions for
transgender women. During 2019–2020, transgender women in seven urban
areas were recruited using respondent-driven sampling for a biobehavioral
survey. Reported syndemic conditions (psychosocial: polydrug use, sexual
violence, and psychological distress; structural: homelessness, incarceration,
and exchange sex) were summed to create a syndemic score. Using modified Poisson
regression to account for RDS, the study assessed whether the strength of the
association between syndemic score and CAI differed by race and ethnicity. To
assess additive interaction, the relative excess prevalence owing to interaction
(REPI) and 95% CIs for selected pairs of syndemic conditions on CAI prevalence
stratified by race and ethnicity were estimated. Of 1,348 transgender women
(Black = 546, White = 176, and
Hispanic = 626), 55% reported CAI; and 24% reported ≥3
syndemic conditions. Reporting additional syndemic conditions was associated
with CAI for White, Hispanic, and Black participants. The association was
significantly stronger for White than Black and Hispanic participants. Limited
significant superadditive interactions were found, although the majority were
between structural syndemic conditions. Racial and ethnic differences in REPI
estimates were observed. Reporting more syndemic conditions was associated with
increased CAI across racial and ethnic groups, demonstrating that HIV prevention
efforts for transgender women should address structural and psychosocial
syndemic conditions. Results differed by race and ethnicity, indicating that
syndemic-focused interventions for transgender women should be tailored to
racial and ethnic groups.