Research and development have been of interest to the European Union for a long time. This topic is also underlined in economic reform agendas and plans that have the form of strategies with clearly set targets. The article deals with the issue of financing R&D activities from the perspective of the share of expenditure to GDP, the total amount of funds spent on R&D, the share of expenditure per capita, and the structure of expenditure. The aim is to analyze and compare development in the field of R&D financing in selected countries of the European Union with emphasis on achieving the Europe 2020 target and to point out the expected development of the indicator for the first years of the validity of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. During the processing of the article, mathematical and statistical methods (regression and correlation analysis) were used in addition to standard logic methods intended for processing data and drawing conclusions (synthesis, induction). The final evaluates the achievement of the target in the field of R&D financing in accordance with the target of the Europe 2020 strategy and, using regression, predicts the development of the given indicator for coming years.