of the various interventions are also summarised. The chapter concludes by suggesting areas within accounting education that future research could still explore through developing and evaluating interventions. 1. INTRODUC TION Various teaching methods are identified in Chapter 2. Most of these go hand in hand with a particular intervention, or tool, to be incorporated inside or outside the classroom. The sections below explain what is meant by an educational intervention. 1.1 THE MEANING OF 'INTERVENTION' Although the word 'intervention' is defined as the "act or the process of intervening" (The Free Dictionary, 2011), its educational meaning (Cambridge Dictionary, 2014) is relevant to accounting education and is discussed in detail in this chapter. An intervention, classified as a noun denoting communicative processes and contents, encapsulates the acts of engagement, involvement, involution and participation. It is the act of sharing or contributing to the activities of a specific group and is described as a "systematic process of assessment and planning employed to remediate or prevent a social, educational or developmental problem" (The Free Dictionary, 2011). Cambridge Dictionary online (2014) defines it further as "involvement in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse, or an occasion when this is done". As mentioned, this chapter focuses on the educational meaning of the word 'intervention'. 1.2 WHAT CONSTITUTES AN EDUCATIONAL INTERVENTION? Educational or instructional intervention is "a planned set of procedures that are aimed at teaching a specific set of academic or social skills to a student or students". It is considered to be "more than a single lesson and less than an entire curriculum". An intervention is also given as "a kind of … involvement; participation (the act of sharing in the activities of a group)". It is also described as 'involvement', 'participation', 'involution', 'engagement' (Cambridge Dictionary, 2014). Educational intervention is furthermore noted to be "the systematic process of assessment and planning employed to remediate or prevent a social, educational or developmental problem" (The Free Dictionary, 2011).