A genetically diverse population of Setaria sphacelata was developed at Gainesville, Florida by intercrossing the cultivars 'Narok', 'Kazungula' and 'Solander' and a local persistent population. To determine heritability of traits that may improve setaria as a forage plant in Florida, progeny of the intercrossed population underwent two cycles of selection for inflorescence number and one cycle for leaf width. The selected populations, together with cultivars and introductions, were evaluated for morphological characters, yield and forage quality in field experiments with close-and wide-spaced plants. Increase of inflorescence number was not obtained by selection but resulted in decreased plant height, inflorescence length, yield, leaf width, and leafiness. Leaf width was increased by selection and was associated with increased leafiness and whole-plant crude protein content. The results suggest good prospects for selection of setaria cultivars suited to Florida with improved yield and quality providing they tolerate winter cold and reliably produce seed.