(1974). Archives ofDisease in Childhood, 49,200. Comparison of an oral and an intravenous feeding regimen in the newborn. In a series of neonates undergoing comparable operations which did not affect the alimentary tract, the relative merits of similar oral and intravenous feeding regimens were compared. Metabolic balance studies were performed, together with measurement of plasma and urinary amino acids. Though the clinical response to both regimens was satisfactory, it was found that, in the group fed intravenously, certain of the plasma and urinary amino acids attained concentrations outside normal limits. This was almost certainly due to the nature of the amino acid solution infused.With the development of numerous solutions of amino acids, carbohydrate, and fat suitable for intravenous infusion, the ability to sustain life by the administration of these solutions has become feasible (Wilmore et al., 1969). The value of intravenous feeding in the newborn, who has undergone operation which precludes feeding by the alimentary tract, has been shown to be life-saving (Asch, Huxtable, and Hays, 1972), but the value of intravenous feeding in the postoperative phase has yet to be defined (Johnston, Tweedle, and Spivey, 1972). Doubt exists about the utilization of solutions administered intravenously (Jarnum et al., 1969;Larsen and Brockner, 1969), and it is important to determine if intravenous feeding will produce a better anabolic response after operation as compared with that achieved by the gradual reintroduction of oral feeding.This study was performed in a series of infants undergoing comparable operations which did not affect the alimentary tract. Two groups are compared, one with an oral diet and the other with an intravenous feeding regimen yielding comparable fluid, calorie, mineral, and vitamin intakes. Balance studies were made on these patients.
Subjects and methodsPatients admitted in the first 24 hours of life on account of meningocele or myelomeningocele, in whom early operation was indicated, were selected. The