Abstract. Spaced antenna (SA) wind measurement techniques are applied to Multiple Antenna Profiler (MAPR) data to evaluate its performance in clear air conditions. MAPR is a multiple antenna 915 MHz wind profiler developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and described in Cohn et al. (1997), designed to make high resolution wind measurements. Previous reported measurements with MAPR were restricted to precipitation because of low signal to noise (SNR) and signal to ground-clutter (SCR) ratios. By using a standard pulse-coding technique and upgrading the profiler control software, increases in average power and SNR were achieved, making routine measurements in clear air possible. Comparison of winds measured by MAPR and by a sonic anemometer on a nearby 300 m tower show correlation coefficients in the range of R 2 = 0.75 -0.80, and an average absolute error of ∼1.4 m s −1 . This compares favorably with the agreement typically found in wind profiler comparisons. We also consider the use of the parameter a h , which is related to the value of the cross-correlation function at its zero crossing. This parameter is a data quality indicator and possibly a key component in a ground clutter removal technique.