We review theoretical predictions for the masa spectrum of strange dibaryona, with emphasis on 5 = -2 states. In a version of the Callen-Klebanov model appied to dibaryona, the lowest-lying configuration is an SU(3) flavor {10*} with J* = 0 + and iaospin / = 1, in contrast to the six-quark (*) bag model, which yields the H dibaryon (flavor {1}, J n = 0 + , / = 0) as the lowest S ~ -2 excitation. Possible experimental consequences of this different level order are discussed. For the H, we discuss formation rates in relativistic heavy ion collisions. For Brookhaven AGS energies (15 GeV/A), we find a rate of order 10~3 H's per central collision. Since the H is produced in a high multiplicity environment in heavy ion collisions, its detection poses a problem. Several possible detection schemes for the H are investigated. These include studies of weak decays (S~p "vees"), diffractive dissociation (Up -+ AAp -• 3p + 2ir~) and nuclear fragments with anomalous charge/mass ratios. MASTER mrnm • rm-mmm • PACS. 14.20.Pt -Dibaryons PACS. 25.70.-z -Heavy-ion-induced reactions PACS. 25.70.Np -Fragmentation and relativistic collisions 1. -IntroductionThe spectroscopy of multi-quark systems Q m Q" with m+n > 4 has provoked considerable interest, on both the theoretical and experimental sides. There is as yet no conclusive evidence for long-lived objects of such structure, although, as we argue below, the key experiments (i.e., for strangeness S = -2 dibaryons) have not yet been performed. The theoretical issue is the ability of dynamical models (quark bag, soiiton, etc.) to predict the masses and decay modes of multi-quark states beyond the familiar baryons (Q 3 ) or mesons (QQ).Enormous effort has been focused on the search for non-strange dibaryon resonances, since these are accessible through the nucleon-nucleon (NN) or NA channels. We do not review this work here, but rather devote our attention to 5 = -2 dibaryons. For certain quantum numbers, the addition of one or more strange (s) quarks to an assembly of up (u) and down (d) quarks is particularly favorable energetically, and thus the existence of stable or at least long-lived dibaryons becomes a distinct possibility. Some existing proposals to find S = -2 dibaryons employ the double strangeness exchange (K~, K + ) reaction. The rates are low because of the limited intensity of available (or soon to be constructed) K~ beams. Here, we propose an alternative strategy, which utilizes the observed copious production of strange particles in relativistic heavy ion central collisions to produce 5 = -2 dibaryons via a fusion/coalescence mechanism.In Chap. 2, we review theoretical attempts to predict the mass spectrum of S --2 dibaryons, including the six-quark (Q 6 ) bag model and the soiiton model a la Skyrme. These treatments produce quite distinct predictions for the level order, and different consequences for the dibaryon decay modes.In Chap. 3, we specialize the discussion to the 0 + , / = 0 H dibaryon, and we present some estimates of the production rate of the H from an ...