The heat transfer performance of bilayered composite systems through which thermally developing laminar fluids flow for cases in which axial conduction is either significant or negligible has been investigated. The heat transfer problems considered as two dimensional conjugate problems with appropriate boundary conditions were solved via computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach in ANSYS 16.0. A parametric study was conducted to investigate the effects of Péclet number (Pe), ratio of the thermal conductivity of the laminate composite (k21) and the laminate composite dimensionless-thickness ratio on the wall-fluid interfacial temperature and interfacial heat flux for Pe of 5, 100 and 1000, varying between 0.4 and 1.6, Bi of 5, kwf of 20, k21 between 0.025 and 1, and of 0.71. The effect of Pe was found to be more pronounced on the interfacial heat flux. Also, the changes in k21 and were shown to reduce with reduction in Pe. Keywords— Composite cylinder, convective heat transfer, Numerical simulation; thick-walled pipes.