SAŽETAKCilj. Cilj našeg rada je ispitivanje mikrovaskularne gustine (MVD) u core biopsijama karcinoma prostate (PC).Metoda. Na core biopsijama PC (n=25 ) i benigne hiperplazije prostate(BHP), served as controls (n=20) su, nakon rutinske obrade, primenjene klasična HE i imunohistohemijska ABC metoda sa CD105 antitelima. Svi ispitanici su imali nivo serumskog PSA >4.0 ng/mL. Srednja vrednost volumena prostate je 50.02, prosečan Gleason score je 7.7. MVD se računala brojanjem CD105 pozitivnih struktura u 5 "vrućih tačaka". Nakon kvantitativne analize, stereometrijski je izračunata MVD po mm 2 . .Za statističku obradu dobijenih rezultata korišćen je programski paket SPSS (verzija 19.0).Rezultati. Srednja vrednost CD 105 pozitivnih ćelija po mm 2 je značajno veća u PC nego kod BHP (676.6 vs 186.5). U PC postoji signifikantna povezanost MVD sa Gleason score (r=0.831) i nivoom PSA (r=0.343). Između PSA i volumena prostate postoji umerena pozitivna povezanost (r=0.565).Zaključak. Vrednost MVD indeksa moze biti značajan indikator progresije karcinoma prostate, tako da je moguće razlikovati pacijente kod kojih je ovaj rizik veći.Ključne reči: rak prostate, mikrovaskularna gustina, core biopsija, povećan rizik, progresija
ABSTRACTObjective. Objective of our study was to investigate microvascular density (MVD) in core biopsies of prostate cancer (PC). On core biopsies of the prostatic carcinoma PC (n = 25) the benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) served as control (n = 20), and after routine processing, classical HE and immunohistochemical ABC method with CD105 antibodies, were applied.Method. All subjects had a serum PSA> 4.0 ng / mL. The mean value of prostate volume was 50.02, the average Gleason score was 7.7. MVD was achieved by counting the number of CD105-positive structures in the 5 "hot spots". After quantitative analysis, MVD was calculated stereometrically per mm2. For the statistical analysis of obtained results the software package SPSS (version 19.0) was used.Results. The mean value of CD 105-positive cells per mm2 was significantly higher in PC than in BPH (676.6 vs 186.5). There is a significant correlation of MVD with Gleason score (r = 0.831) and PSA (r = 0.343) in the PC. Between the PSA and prostate volume exists a moderate positive correlation (r = 0.565).Conclusion. Value of MVD index can be a significant indicator of the prostatic cancer progression degree in the core biopsy, thereby it is possible to distinguish patients with higher risk.